Regional Identity: Existing Product Analysis

Existing Product Analysis: Margaret Thatcher: The Rise Of The Iron Lady | This Lady's Not For Turning | Timeline

This is a very good documentary detailing the rise to power of Margaret Thatcher. In terms of framing - the host is centre frame when addressing the audience. In having himself in the centre, he has positioned himself as the focal point of the image. Positioning yourself in the centre of the frame conveys the connotation of authority, which is useful when the person in the frame is the host, who will be delivering information so the audience needs to trust him in order for the documentary to satisfy the code, "educate". In terms of shot type, a medium close up has been used. These framing techniques I find to be very effective and is perhaps something I could use in my own documentary.

This documentary also uses archival footage which is something I wish to do. Using archival footage is integral to any documentary film that is discussing the past to a great length. In terms of documentary codes, documentaries are meant to "preserve" history. Preserving history, in layman's terms, is to maintain a document happenings. This criteria is fulfilled by using relevant archival footage as it helps the viewer further understand the nuances of the time it was filmed. 

I feel when making reference to the modern day, archival footage can be used to juxtapose modern footage; to convey the passage of time. In terms of transitioning this could be achieved through use of a graphic match. Use of graphic match is aesthetically pleasing to the viewer and keeps them engaged between shots.                 

It also contains still photography, transition slides and interviews. These are all typical conventions of a documentary film. 


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