Regional Identity: Evaluation


I have now completed by B2: Regional Identity brief, and will evaluate my process of making the documentary. I will evaluate my strengths and weaknesses, giving myself credit where credit is deserved though will also provide constructive criticism of things I believe could've been done better during the production. I believe reflective criticism is very important as these are lessons that I can take with me in to the next production I am involved with.

Initial Ideas:

When formulating my initial ideas, I broke down the brief as to enrich my understanding of the project. From breaking down the brief, I learned much about the client and the mode of delivery that I would have to deliver the project in. In reading the brief - I evaluated my format of delivery as well as garnering an understanding of my target audience which is, as stated by the brief, 16 to 25 year olds.

Understanding the Brief

Simiarly, in my initial ideas I researched the term Regional Identity to further my undertstanding of it going forward. I also researched terms such as national identity as to enrich my understanding. 

Initial Ideas

Following this I researched the client, as to further inform my product. Completing this research helped me formulate many ideas for my project as well as giving me more of an idea as to what my audience profile will look like. 

Client Research

Audience Research


Pitch and Rationale Feedback


I completed necessary paperwork and created storyboards going forward in production. I feel like this helped me understand professional principles.


I think I executed production in a professional manner. The only thing I would change in my production process is use of equipment  I used my iPhone for some shots that I took for Part IV: Education, which does not fit very seamless in to the final cut.

Post Production:

Upon receiving feedback on my demo, through conducting a focus group, I have made some alterations to my product as so that it is better suited for audience members to consume. Bruno, a fellow student in my class whom partook in the focus group feedback, recommended I shortened the length of the documentary.   In my initial cut of the documentary, there was quite a lot of dead space, footage or narration that seemed disjointed and was not properly implemented in to the documentary. 

Final Product evaluation:

While there are some minor alterations that could be made to my final product, the brief states that the film does not have to be perfect. With this in mind - in terms of delivery I am very happy with the project I have made. 


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